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Máster in cookies (English)

Learn 33 sweet and eye-catching cookies, perfect for opening your own bakery.
Chef a cargo: 

Become a cookie expert with more than 33 delicious recipes, both classic and modern.


✔ You will learn from history and anatomy to the most technical aspects of each preparation.

✔ You will learn the function of each of the ingredients, the reason for the processes, how to carry out each of the steps, recipe variations, performance and standardization.

✔ We will show you the most common mistakes, their reasons, and how to avoid making them.

  • What are cookies?
    • What are cookies?
    • History of cookies.
    • Types of cookies.
    • Anatomy of a chewy cookie and its textures.
    • Some basic ingredients and their characteristics.
    • Basic utensils and their characteristics.
  • Science of cookies
    • Ingredients, function of each ingredient.
    • Butter, composition, behavior, melting point, contribution to the Maillard reaction, why do we prefer butter? How do we replace it for specific diets?
    • Sugar, behavior, composition, caramelization, sweetening power and function in the dough, How do we replace it for specific diets?
    • Eggs, behavior, composition and function in the dough, possible replacements.
    • Flour , types of flour, concept of gluten, starches and their gelatinization, function in the dough, how do we replace it for specific diets?
    • Toppings, what are they? What function do they have? Influence on dough and variants.
  • Understanding the elaboration process
    • What is creaming and what is its function?
    • Emulsions and their importance in the dough, emulsification of the eggs.
    • Incorporation of the dry ingredients, work of the dough and its influence on the final result.Incorporation of toppings.
    • Forming or stretching of the dough, weight of the dough and influence on the size of the product.
    • Perfect stretching of the sablé dough.
    • Importance of resting in cold.
    • What happens during cooking?
    • Types of ovens, physical and chemical changes of the dough.
    • Common mistakes with photographic record and their respective explanations.
  • Inserts
    • Use of insert, function and influence on the final result.
    • Thermostable gels, origin and physicochemical characteristics, determining factors for correct gelation.
    • Ganaches, technique, proper emulsion and understanding of these, critical temperatures and organoleptic characteristics.
  • Chocolate dipping in cookies
    • Chocolate composition, physicochemical characteristics,
    • What is tempering? Why do we temper? How to temper properly?
    • How to properly dip the cookie?
    • How to detect errors in tempering?
    • Difference between real and substitute chocolate.
  • And also…
    • Conservation of raw or cooked biscuits.
    • Understanding the gluten free concept, brief explanation of care and the importance of food handling in this type of diet. How to use the gluten free recipe of this course as a basis to create many more.
    • Understanding the vegan diet, brief explanation about vegan products and the so-called "traces", how to handle this type of food. How to use the vegan recipe from this course as a basis for creating many more.
    • Costing spreadsheet in Excel with a brief video explanation to use it properly.
    • How to change the yield or size of the recipe based on our production needs, the importance of standardized to reduce losses.
    • "Seeing cookies as a business possibility", attractive profits with low production costs and negligible requirements for machinery, tools and personnel, efficient production.
    • Suppliers from Chile in ingredients and utensils.


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Subtítulos en Inglés


9 horas




Digital certification


Imediate access



Minimum level

Not necessary

Contenidos del curso

  • Classic chocolate chip cookie

    Classic chocolate chip cookie

    Chocolate chip cookie, crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, with the option of a ganache insert.
  • Cocoa chips and orange cookie

    Cocoa chips and orange cookie

    Cocoa cookie with chocolate chips with orange gel insert.
  • Red Velvet cookie

    Red Velvet cookie

    Red cookie flavored with cocoa, white chocolate chips and filled with a cream cheese insert.
  • Brookie cookie

    Brookie cookie

    Chocolate cookie, flour free, crispy on the outside and with a moist center, brownie texture.
  • Almond cookie

    Almond cookie

    Chocolate cookie, flour free, crispy on the outside and with a moist center, brownie texture.
  • Apple cinnamon walnuts cookie

    Apple cinnamon walnuts cookie

    Spiced cookie, with apple and walnuts, moist texture and warm flavors.
  • Coconut lemon raspberry cookie

    Coconut lemon raspberry cookie

    Lemon cookie with laminated coconut and raspberry chocolate pieces.
  • Pecan cookie

    Pecan cookie

    Pecan nut cookie with chocolate chips and toasted pecan pieces, with pecan gianduja filling.
  • Cornmeal cookie

    Cornmeal cookie

    Cornmeal cookie, crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.
  • Cocoa hazelnut cookie

    Cocoa hazelnut cookie

    Crispy and moist cocoa and chocolate cookie, with hazelnut paste and toasted hazelnuts.
  • Matcha tea blueberry cookie

    Matcha tea blueberry cookie

    Powdered green tea cookie, with white chocolate chips and blueberry gel insert.
  • Carrot creamcheese cookie

    Carrot creamcheese cookie

    Cookie inspired by the classic carrot cake, contains carrot, cinnamon, walnuts and unctuous cream cheese filling.
  • Pistachio raspberry cookie

    Pistachio raspberry cookie

    Cookie with pistachio paste, pieces of raspberry chocolate, pistachios, and raspberry gelled insert.
  • Peanut chocolate chip cookie

    Peanut chocolate chip cookie

    Peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips, filled with buttery peanut butter.
  • Poppy seeds orange cookie

    Poppy seeds orange cookie

    Cookie inspired by the German classic "Mohnkuchen", the dough contains poppies and moist candied orange, it is filled with poppies and cream cheese.
  • Lemon blueberry cookie

    Lemon blueberry cookie

    Lemon cookie with fresh blueberries, with a smooth cream cheese insert.
  • Chocolate chip vegan cookie

    Chocolate chip vegan cookie

    Classic chocolate chip cookie in a vegan version with the possibility of variants and replacements to obtain new flavors.
  • Gluten free classic chocolate chip cookie

    Gluten free classic chocolate chip cookie

    Classic chocolate chip cookie in a gluten free version with the possibility of variants and replacements to obtain new flavors.
  • Christmas ginger cookie

    Christmas ginger cookie

    Aromatic cookie from yesteryear, with the classic ginger and Christmas flavor.
  • Confetti cookie

    Confetti cookie

    Butter cookie, crispy on the outside and moist on the inside, with edible confetti chips.
  • Oatmeal raisins cookie

    Oatmeal raisins cookie

    Honey cookie, spices, oatmeal and raisins, moist and aromatic.
  • Crackeled cookie

    Crackeled cookie

    Intense cocoa cookie, crispy and fluffy, with sugar crackling on the surface.
  • Delicia cookie

    Delicia cookie

    Two vanilla sablé dough cookies, with a defined and perfect shape, filled with a soft raspberry jam and decorated with powdered sugar.
  • Streusel cookie

    Streusel cookie

    Squares of sablé dough, with a layer of raspberry jam and almond streusel on the surface, ideal to accompany tea time.
  • Spéculoos cookie

    Spéculoos cookie

    Typical Belgian cookie, very aromatic and spicy.
  • Mantecados cookies

    Mantecados cookies

    Black sesame, orange and peanut mantecado / Christmas mantecado / Cocoa honey and hazelnut mantecado / Walnut and coffee mantecado.
  • Sablé cookies

    Sablé cookies

    Green tea sable covered in white chocolate / Raspberry sable covered with chocolate inspiration / Cocoa sable with nibs, covered with milk chocolate / Walnut sable covered with 56% chocolate.
  • Nuts paste and praliné

    Nuts paste and praliné

    Learn how to make your own nuts paste and pralines.

¡Obtén un Certificado!

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Obtén un certificado que avale tus conocimientos al finalizar el curso, para obtenerlo tendrás que realizar algunas tareas que serán evaluadas por la chef. La certificación de STUDIOPAS tiene un alto valor en el mercado laboral.

Camila Elizalde

Chef pastelera chilena con 9 años de experiencia, dueña y fundadora de StudioPas Academy, escuela especializada en pastelería de alto nivel con más de 20.000 alumnos. Tiene una comunidad de más de 150K y el año 2021 fue nombrada presidenta de la selección nacional de pastelería “La Roja Dulce”. Campeona Americana de pastelería, primer lugar Copa América Coupe du Monde Pâtisserie 2022 Camila comenzó con un emprendimiento de tortas y pasteles personalizados mientras estudiaba una carrera científica (Licenciatura en Biología), con el tiempo decidió seguir su vocación y estudiar administración gastronómica en Chile, para luego especializarse constantemente en varias escuelas de renombre alrededor del mundo. La Chef Camila encontró su mayor vocación en enseñar y cambiar el sistema educativo en cuanto a la pastelería, es por que decide abrir StudioPas (anteriormente Taller Culinario Chile). Actualmente continúa dedicada a dar clases en su taller presencial y online, como también de manera internacional, ámbito en el cual ha tenido mucho éxito gracias a su enfoque de educación integral, en el cual busca enseñar a sus alumnos no sólo la elaboración de los productos, sino que también el trasfondo químico gastronómico de éstos, obteniendo como resultado un aprendizaje completo e integral. Camila se caracteriza por ser una docente muy cercana con sus alumnos, manteniendo siempre su disposición para responder consultas y enseñar absolutamente todo lo que sabe.


Additional information


Subtítulos en Inglés


9 horas




Digital certification


Imediate access



Minimum level

Not necessary

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