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Coffee Cheesecake (English)

Learn how to make an authentic New York coffee cheesecake.
Chef a cargo: 

Learn how to make a delicious and creamy coffee cheesecake

✔ You will learn how to make the classic crumb base and how to put it together perfectly.
✔ We will see the ingredients, their functionality, the critical points, temperature and baking methods to achieve the ideal texture of a cheesecake.
✔ You will also learn how to carry out a professional and neat assembly, perfect for presenting your cheesecake in a display case.

  • What is a cheesecake?
    • History.
    • Definition.
    • Types of cheesecake.
  • Preparation
    • Main ingredients of the cheesecake and its functionality.
    • Techniques applied in the cheesecake and its theoretical foundations.
    • Coagulation temperature of the eggs, gelatinization of starches, low cooking and its incidences in the final texture.
    • Duration and conservation of the cheesecake.
    • Basic theory of emulsions , definition, behavior and aspects of the technique.
    • Basic theory of chocolate, origin, molecular behavior explained in an easy way, tempering and elaboration of decorations.
  • Toppings and fillings
    • Chocolate tempering and basic decorations (plaques and rollers).
    •  Preparation of creams.
    • Preparation and theory of assembled ganaches.
    • Technique and use of mirror glazes.
    • Different techniques of piping and decoration.
  • Recipes
    • Whipped coffee ganache.
    • Spiced sablé dough crumbs.
    • Baked cheesecake.
    • Creamy coffee ganache.
    • Creamy bitter chocolate ganache.
  • When does the course start?

    Once you buy the course, you can start watching it immediately by logging in with your email and password that you created during the purchase, the course has no time limit and you can watch it forever and as many times as you want, at your own pace, without pressure No time limitations.

  • How do I use the platform?

    When you purchase a course you will have immediate access (except in cases of pre-sale or live class). To be able to enter the course you will simply have to log in with your email and password and in your user profile you will be able to see your courses. Clicking on the chosen course will direct you to the learning platform. There you will find the printable material (theory and recipes) and the video lessons.

  • For how long will I be able to watch the course?

    You can watch the course forever, access is totally UNLIMITED.

  • Can I watch the course from anywhere?

    Yes, indeed. You can buy our courses from any corner of the world paying by credit card.

  • What does the course include?

    Printable digital recipe book with recipes, theory and diagram of each cake, videos of each of the preparations professionally recorded with different camera angles and microphones, you will see absolutely the ENTIRE process of each of the products. At the end of the course you can request your certificate.

  • Questions, doubts and any course advice

    After you watch the course you will have our advice through your learning platform, where you can ask questions and resolve your doubts directly with the chef instructor of the course.

  • Why should I buy this course?

    Because we have many years of experience in education, and we love what we do! We are interested in you having real and deep learning that allows you to have the necessary skills to create your own products. We believe that a full understanding of the preparations, their raw materials and functions is key to the success of a professional and their products. We don't just deliver recipes, we deliver knowledge, reasons and work philosophy. Because we accompany you during the process, we believe in your potential and we are a support for you to achieve your goals.

  • Course methodology

    The course is taught online, when you make the purchase you can enter your learning platform where you can watch each of the video lessons, download the recipe book, ask questions and obtain your certificate.

  • How do I get my certificate?

    To obtain the certificate you must upload a photo of one of the products of the course prepared by you, in addition to answering some questions, this is done through your learning platform where you will also find the specific instructions for this process.

  • Will I need to invest in tools before I start?

    No, the idea is that you learn first, that you can watch and study the course and then choose the preparations you want to make and that you yourself can evaluate whether or not to buy certain utensils.

  • Will you send me a list of ingredients?

    In the recipe book of the course you will be able to see all the ingredients of each recipe, the step by step of the preparation and its theory.

  • Do I need experience to do this course?

    It is not necessary to have experience, this course is elaborated in such a way to explain each of the processes from the most basic to the most complex, going intensively through each of the stages, adapting to all types of students.

  • Is there a time limit to get my certification?

    Not at all! You will be able to receive your certification forever, so that you have the time you need and consider necessary.

  • What are the payment methods?

    On our platform you can pay from anywhere in the world with credit and debit cards choosing PayPal.


Additional information


Subtítulos en Inglés


1 hora




Certificado digital


Imediate access



Nivel necesario

No requiere

Contenidos del curso

  • Cheesecake crumbs base

    Cheesecake crumbs base

    Spiced sablé dough crumbs.
  • Baked cheesecake

    Baked cheesecake

    Baked cheesecake and its critical points, ingredients and their functionality, temperatures and baking methods to achieve an ideal texture.
  • Toppings


    Whipped coffee ganache, creamy coffee ganache and bitter chocolate creamy  ganache.
  • Chocolate decorations

    Chocolate decorations

    Learn how to temper and make decorations in chocolate to highlight and embellish all your preparations.

¡Obtén un Certificado!

avalamos y certificamos tu aprendizaje en cada curso


Obtén un certificado que avale tus conocimientos al finalizar el curso, para obtenerlo tendrás que realizar algunas tareas que serán evaluadas por la chef. La certificación de STUDIOPAS tiene un alto valor en el mercado laboral.

Camila Elizalde

Chef pastelera chilena con 9 años de experiencia, dueña y fundadora de StudioPas Academy, escuela especializada en pastelería de alto nivel con más de 20.000 alumnos. Tiene una comunidad de más de 150K y el año 2021 fue nombrada presidenta de la selección nacional de pastelería “La Roja Dulce”. Campeona Americana de pastelería, primer lugar Copa América Coupe du Monde Pâtisserie 2022 Camila comenzó con un emprendimiento de tortas y pasteles personalizados mientras estudiaba una carrera científica (Licenciatura en Biología), con el tiempo decidió seguir su vocación y estudiar administración gastronómica en Chile, para luego especializarse constantemente en varias escuelas de renombre alrededor del mundo. La Chef Camila encontró su mayor vocación en enseñar y cambiar el sistema educativo en cuanto a la pastelería, es por que decide abrir StudioPas (anteriormente Taller Culinario Chile). Actualmente continúa dedicada a dar clases en su taller presencial y online, como también de manera internacional, ámbito en el cual ha tenido mucho éxito gracias a su enfoque de educación integral, en el cual busca enseñar a sus alumnos no sólo la elaboración de los productos, sino que también el trasfondo químico gastronómico de éstos, obteniendo como resultado un aprendizaje completo e integral. Camila se caracteriza por ser una docente muy cercana con sus alumnos, manteniendo siempre su disposición para responder consultas y enseñar absolutamente todo lo que sabe.


Additional information


Subtítulos en Inglés


1 hora




Certificado digital


Imediate access



Nivel necesario

No requiere

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